The contributions to motor racing by Gil de Ferran, who passed away Friday at the age of 56, went far beyond being a champion race car driver, as Marshall Pruett’s heartfelt tribute to the Brazilian makes clear. A keen student of motorsport, Gil was enthusiastic about racing technology and the importance of making it meaningful to the fans. This served him well in the role of Editor-At-Large for RACER magazine, where he offered incisive opinions about the past, present and future of the sport. Here is a sample of the insights he offered in the magazine and at that add to his winning legacy:

Gil’s column for The Heroes III issue of RACER in 2014 took the form of a letter to his father, explaining how and why his personal heroes have shaped his life and career.  

Dear Father,

It seems fitting that I’m writing an open letter to you in this Heroes issue. It took me a great deal of soul searching and several drafts, but I feel the content of what you’re about to read is worth sharing with others who, like us, have a passion for life, cars, racing and all things mechanical. You might question why I’d share such private thoughts, and I can only hope the answer becomes clearer as you read on…