Fernando Alonso believes Formula 1’s television coverage uses his team radio out of context, taking particular issue with its broadcast of his messages to Aston Martin during the Japanese Grand Prix.

The Spaniard complained Aston Martin had “thrown me to the lions” with an early first pit stop that left him unable to hold off the Ferrari and Mercedes drivers, while he later told his engineer to come up with a different strategy as he was losing ground to Esteban Ocon on the straights. However, Alonso disputed that he was angry with his team, instead criticizing the broadcasting of his messages.

“Not angry — it’s the same, the classic thing, the classic FOM radio,” Alonso said. “Completely out of context, in a moment that I’m not sure exactly what other drivers can say when they are behind a car that is slower and on the straight they are pulling away even when you open the DRS.