Happy New Year everyone! As the calendar ticks over into 2024 it’s already under five weeks until the new cars will start to be unveiled, and given the earlier start to the new season we can also say that the first race weekend kicks off next month, too.

And as you may have picked up on by now, the opening week of January is the time when I like to dream a little bit and come up with some ideal scenarios that I want to see unfold over the coming year.

Some of them are totally serious hopes, and others are slightly less realistic, but they’d all make for a great season ahead if they came true. Let me make it very clear, though, this is not a set of predictions. Otherwise I’d have been fired long before I could make this feature a tradition…


Sorry Red Bull and Red Bull fans, but the past two years of dominance have been more than enough. I found myself slipping into the camp of wanting to seen a clean sweep by the time we got into the second half of last year, because there was nothing riding on the championship battles. But that just shows how repetitive it had become that I started showing an interest in nobody else winning.

What Red Bull achieved in 2023 was extraordinary, don’t get me wrong, but it was helped slightly by Mercedes and Ferrari failing to make real gains. McLaren and Aston Martin added the most intrigue each weekend in my opinion, and for that reason I really don’t mind who it is but please can one of the chasing pack make a fight of each race weekend?

A year ago I said I wanted Mercedes to get on terms, and I still think another Max Verstappen vs Lewis Hamilton championship fight would be amazing for the sport, but there are too many other great talents on the grid to restrict the wish to that.