NASCAR has made multiple updates to its rulebook after a string of penalties and appeals from NASCAR Cup Series teams.

Among the most significant is under sections 11.10.1 and 11.10.2 Finding of Fact/Penalty Review.

Under section 11.20.1, the updated language reads, “If a Penalty is modified, it may be increased or decreased within the minimum and maximum Penalty ranges prescribed for the violation level as outlined in Section 10.5.2 Determination of Penalties.”

Further in the section, it now reads, “The Final Appeals Office may not completely remove any element of the originally assessed Penalty provided in the Penalty Notice as outlined in Section 10.5.2 Determination of Penalties; modifications to a Penalty are limited to the minimum and maximum ranges as listed in the Rule Book. By way of example, if NASCAR assessed a Penalty that consisted of Points reductions, monetary fines, and suspension, all three elements of the originally assessed Penalty must remain, but the amount of each element could be adjusted within the minimum and maximum Penalty ranges.”