Dennis Reinbold finds himself in a unique situation with the No. 23 Chevy he’s entered for 2012 Indianapolis 500 winner Ryan Hunter-Reay.

The jet-black machine which carries new green accents is largely bereft of sponsor logos. The greatest areas of real estate — the sidepods and front wings — are completely bare. And it’s not a problem or concern for the local auto dealer.

If that’s how Dreyer & Reinbold Racing’s No. 23 car remains for the rest of the 107th running of the Indy 500, the veteran team owner won’t mind, but the absence of branding isn’t for a lack of trying.

“We’ve had a lot of different convers ations with different people, many of which have gone down to the finish line and didn’t quite get done,” Reinbold told RACER. “So that’s where we’re at. But we’re not sacrificing anything that we’ve put together. We’re not desperate at all. We’re happy with where we’re at. And we’re going forward. So we do have the ability to sell some spots on the car, but if it happens, great, that’s a good thing. If it doesn’t work, it’s not the end of the world. Our objective is to come here and win this race. So it doesn’t change any of that.”