Before we get going, I’m well aware this is a bit of an out-of-left-field idea, but bear with me – there’s method to my madness.

Extreme E’s modus operandi is to travel to remote areas affected by climate change to highlight the issues faced by our planet, raise awareness, and put on a good show in the process. But while melting ice caps, forest fires, habitat destruction, and the practice of sustainable living are all very real issues, the remoteness of Extreme E’s X Prixs can create a gulf between the average viewer and the message being conveyed.

Environmental and ecological issues affect every one of us, so why not hammer that point home by taking the message directly to the people? As well as raising awareness of those issues we might be oblivious to by shining a spotlight on them in our own backyards, why not highlight those unmentioned closer to home as well?

Other than the Greenland race in 2021 and the 2022 season finale in Uruguay – which also hosted a hugely successful fan engagement event on the streets of Punta del Este before the race – fans have been kept away from Extreme E events in a bid to reduce the inevitable environmental impact of thousands of additional people all descending into one place. And even then, the two aforementioned rounds only allowed locals, and in limited numbers at that.