Welcome to the RACER Mailbag. Questions for any of RACER’s writers can be sent to mailbag@racer.com. Due to the high volume of questions received, we can’t guarantee that every letter will be published, but we’ll answer as many as we can. Published questions may be edited for length and clarity. Questions received after 3pm ET each Monday will appear the following week.

Q: I live 40 minutes from Meyer Shank Racing, and am a fan. If they lose HPD /Acura in IMSA, will they also lose HPD in IndyCar?

Mark Crellin, Springfield, OH

MARSHALL PRUETT: I’ve asked and been told MSR will have Honda power in IndyCar next year and beyond.

Q: Perhaps you can ask someone in charge at IndyCar why the invocation almost always has an evangelical message? For a series that is trying to promote diversity and inclusiveness, this shows, at best, a severe lack of awareness, or at worst, an intentional effort on behalf of the ministers to promote their own beliefs. NASCAR does a better job, in general, of having an inclusive invocation. If Darrell Waltrip can give an heartfelt, meaningful invocation that doesn’t exclude any faith, so can IndyCar Ministries or anyone else.


MP: IndyCar Ministry, which has been an active member of the open-wheel community for many decades, is a Christian-based organization, and based on my highly scientific research (a three-second Google search), more than half of the country is Christian. So if we’re talking numbers, the concept of a Jesus-centric invocation would be well received by a lot of folks at the event and watching at home, but not all, and that’s the societal change you’re referring to. If IndyCar is indeed espousing greater inclusiveness through its Race For Equality & Change initiative, this is certainly one to consider.