Susie Wheldon asked if 2:30pm would work as a good time for a call to speak with the family’s newest champion. The offering of a specific time to conduct a formal interview is standard fare, especially with the increasingly busy schedule that athletes and their managers keep these days.

But the timing of this calendar event was rather different: Susie, also known as “Mom,” needed some extra time before the interview because had to pick up her athletes, better known as Sebastian and Oliver, from school.

For Sebastian (pictured above), the eldest of the two sons born to Susie and her late husband Dan Wheldon, the IndyCar champion and two-time Indianapolis 500 winner, 2023 was a transformational year as his first season of junior open-wheel racing delivered six victories, 13 podiums, and the drivers’ title in the Skip Barber Formula Racing Series.

For the offspring of a famous driver, there’s no guarantee the talent possessed by their parents is waiting to be unleashed if they climb into the cockpit and give the sport a try. With Sebastian, big lessons were learned about himself and whether his dad’s immense talent could be summoned as he moved from karts to formula cars.